Lloyds of London

The Lloyds’ mobile app was produced to create an omnichannel experience and promote a hybrid ways of working enabling users to access the Lloyd’s market anytime, anywhere from the palm of your hand.

My Role

I was the sole Product Designer working day in day out on the Lloyds’ mobile app. The rest of the team was made up of multiple developers, a product lead, Business Analyst and others.

I helped to shape the direction of the app alongside a product lead working collaboratively looking at our insights, research previously conducted by past members and consulting with our research team to gather an understanding of the problems Underwritters and Brokers were running into in their day to day life in their jobs.



• Secondary research

• Competitor research

• User personas


• IA

• Wireframing

• High fidelity exploration

Design & Develop

• Componentisation

• Design & prototype

• Hand-off


• Analysis

• Feedback

• Iterate

Competitor Research

Some key products that I compared and analysed as part of primary competitor research were Teams, Outlook and Linkedin. This was a main starting point as during Broker and Undwritter interviews these were the most mentioned products that they currently used as part of their day to day work. Some of the foundations of the app itself had similar features to these products such as a calendar and searching/connecting contacts.


Initially I spent some time working out the layout of the main page just by producing some basic wireframes. This was informed by the research the user research team had gathered both before and once I had joined the team.

This really helped to create the main structure of the app, how and where the different features could start to surface. This helped me in understanding what the IA would need to be based off of the needs of the Brokers and Underwritters.

Some of these intial wireframe concepts were taken to a group of user research participants that were apart of the process throughout. We validated the different features and produced a hierachy from their feedback.


After signing in using 2 factor authentication the user lands on the home screen where they can access key information and promotes the actioning of tasks in as little as one click.

The homepage also enables users to see who has requested meetings with them in one simple view. Here the user can decide whether or not to accept the meeting, view meeting details and the location of the meeting itself. If the user has meetings scheduled for the day the home screen makes it easy to see how many meetings are lined up and even allow the user to look through their integrated calendar showing their meetings across the virtual room and their organisational calendar if they’ve got it connected to their account.

With the market place starting to come back into 1 Lime street, the Lloyd’s app makes it incredibly easy for users to highlight their availabilty and that they are going to be in the building. They can also enable geo location to automatically update their location. 


Connecting with other users was a journey that I continually designed, researched, tested and iterated on to drive the best experience for our users. Within the contacts area you can see a list of your favourited contacts which reduced the amount of time and effort it took users to find the relevant contact that they are likely to contact most frequently.  

With the quick filters along the top the user can also see which of their contacts are in the building, available and even filter by Underwriter or Broker. The contacts area also makes it easy for the user to see people in their team and to search the entire Lloyd’s market directory.


On the profile page, users are able to see all relevant information about the user and their company. If there is a need to contact this user I enabled the iOS quick connect features to either initiate a call or to send an email. You are again able to favourite or unfavourite a contact from the profile view. Access to the users calendar can also be found here. 

From your own profile you are able to see all relevant information relating to yourself but also change your availability and location status. Here you can share your profile via airdrop to other users giving you a form of digital business card. 


Searching for another user has been designed with the market place in mind allowing the user to search by name, role, business, specialism and a range of other criteria. On searching the app dynamically brings back search results related to the term searched through its quick search functionality. You can be specific by searching a name which will come back with a shorter list of results or alternatively you can search for a category which will bring back a larger list of results enabling the user to discover new contacts to network with. 

Once in the results view the user can again make use of the quick filters or they can run a detailed filter of the results. Which they are easily able to add and remove these filters to amend the search. In this list the user is able to use a right swipe gesture on the contact card to favourite these contacts which will then add to their list in contacts. Also they can swipe right on the contact card to show different ways to contact another person either by email, phone or by setting up a meeting with them.  


Viewing another users calendar you can see any upcoming meetings that you have with the individual and allow you see see their available slots so that you can book a meeting with them. Booking a meeting is a very simple process in which the user inputs standard information such as subject, location and any other meeting details they would like to make the other user aware of. 

Within your personal calendar will show all of your upcoming meetings and any new requests you may have received. 

Users can also see which of their contacts are in the building and available through the contacts navigation. 

Learn & Improve

Next steps for the app was to re-look at some of the interactions aswell as making it quicker and easier for users to complete tasks. Some of these improvements were around enabling the user to set their availability status, whether they were in the building, seeing their upcoming meetings at a glance.

I wanted to move away from some of the existing patterns we had initially as they didnt feel quite as fluid and easy to use. Which is why the use of simple clickable buttons to mimic the behaviours they would already be used to on their own devices. 

By reducing some of the information down slightly the coginitive load wouldnt be overwhelming to users, this helps them see what they need to when they need to.
